But, I have slightly changed the way I do things. Whilst one child is lost in the world of Septimus Heap, I worked quietly the with other, one-on-one, just like I do for tutoring. No distractions, or interruptions.
Video Boy has been baulking at maths worksheets, so I took a different tack - would he be interested in doing some science/maths? Is it science, or is it maths Mum? Both! I am amused by the way schooled children love to put things in boxes - one thing or the other. But that's not how real life works, is it? Anyway, we did some calculations based on Ohm's law (voltage is current times resistance) and talked about formulas, substituting and re-arranging equations. Science AND maths in one easy lesson! And Video Boy was quite chuffed to know he was doing questions from a Year 10 textbook!
If none of the Ohm's Law thing makes sense to you, then this video explains it nicely!
"Now I have renewed vigour for my maths, Mummy!" she announced. Too cute! She's very keen to try one of the Open University introductory maths courses :-) and is working towards that goal.
We also had a look at waves and the lack of a untangled slinky in our house led to YouTube viewings:
As I was trying to explain that in waves the particles vibrate but the energy moves, I used a "mexican wave" as an example. I was faced with blank stares. Shock! horror! My children had no idea what I was talking about. Thank goodness, yet again, for YouTube and Brainiac!
All this waves, and frequencies, and periods, and harmonics talk lead us to swinging pendulums - they have one of these at Questacon, and of course Wombat Girl asks "can we make one?":
"Now I have renewed vigour"! I love kids who speak in prose :)