You thought it was hot the other week? So did I, until last Friday when we hit a new, all-time record for the highest temperature ever in our little seaside town:
That would be 114.8F!!!!! |
Man, that was one hot day! No sign of a sea breeze on that one...
I was at work for most of that day, but at home we had a struggling air-con unit and the pool. Thank goodness!
It isn't always that hot (thank the stars), but it has been a long, hot summer. I promised Wombat Girl that I would take her up to our latest summer attraction: Ice Skating!!! They had turned the local entertainment centre into an ice-skating rink and as the end of January approached, so did the days available for going skating. We finally made it on the second-last session of the last day :-)
I have to say, Video Boy was not that keen, what with his powers of uncoordination, but he sportingly came along for the trip:
Neither of the kids had ever been ice-skating before (or roller-skating or roller-blading for that matter), but at least they have been skiing, with all that slippery snow. I have been ice-skating about twice in my life and at least 20 years ago. I've also roller-skated and roller-bladed and skied (the first two a really long time ago, when I bounced better).
So we all started out hanging onto that railing for dear life!!! (NB: no photos of my dear self because I was the one with the camera)
Wombat Girl and I got brave and let go for a bit - and can I say, there were a LOT of people in that rink, and dodging little kids and big kids (who should know better) who were out of control made for interesting times!
Video Boy was getting a bit better, but found it very tiring!
In an hour, Wombat Girl fell over 7 times (the last one winded her and hurt her tail bone - the higher you fly, the further you fall!), and Video Boy was proud to say he did not fall over once (and just quietly, neither did I).